54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

By the way, if anyone can run for president at 35 why aren’t there a MILLION people running for president at one time

but actually nukes don’t work as well in space i think bc of the vacuum? idk i could be wrong

Or is it just that we don’t hear about those folks

Why nuke the moon when you can use your Space lazer to blow it up, just because Shadow slept with ur wife


Why nuke the moon when we can attach a device that can move the earth at high speeds and crash into the moon our selves

gotta be liked, have tons of money, know how politics work pretty well, lots of old ppl in positions of power rn so like old ppl power or something idk

presidency or mad scientist, you can only pick one to do with your life fk xD

Says who


I think that those things aren’t mutually exclusive

I read a book in like 8th grade on what would happen if the moon got destroyed and it pretty much went into an ice age, after like major flooding

Reality is a figment of our imagination

i mean, if you do one it’ll take up too much of your time to do the other unless you end up being some super genius that can make one not take that much time? or you just become super rich and hire/bribe a bunch of ppl

Wait, did it describe how life was like for people after it? Like it was a story about s group of family living after the moon was exploded

imagination can’t exist without reality

Or I can become a mad scientist invent either the immortality potion or a time traveling machine

yup it was a long time ago so i couldnt tell ya the name of the book, but I remember it for some reason

yup, moon’s important

I remember the book but I don’t know the name