54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

go ahead, you can try

time machines don’t stop aging though

time machines just go far enough in the future where they solved that problem then u just copy their hw

Time machines can rapidly acceralte our growth as a species by bringing future stuff to the past, and then the cycle just keeps going we get way more advanced as you bring things to the past and they can improve on those things

by the way, if the earth stopped moving or spinning for even one second we die

But if the people got even more advanced tech by the tech you brought back where did u get the tech in the first place who made it

I’ll like to think that each time you use a time machine you instead create a new time line so paradoxes like that don’t happen.

thats the only appropriate answer to that hhonestly

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Teacher passed an equation:
“I will never learn this”
I actually manage to learn:

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create maximum amount of paradoxes


please be a thing

Honesty the big bang really doesnt make any sense, without blackholes. Because if matter is never created or destroyed how did the big bang make all that matter in the first place and why was it all in one condensed area. The only space able to really hold that is a blackhole

honestly idk if we are ever gonna be able to figure out how or what created the universe and honestly cant tell if i love or hate that sense of the unknown

Im backing a project on kickstarter and we are so close to a stretch goal and im getting anxious waiting for it to hit it

Answer: I did.

:pray: to MERC

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i think the theory is that it had all that matter it didnt make or destroy anything*, and that it didnt form a black hole because there was no other matter to be attracted into it, no light to not be able to escape the event horizon.
things cant really be defined in a strictly abstract sense. everything has a perspective and everything has relations.
so its hard to define whatever the universe was before the big bang (im just assuming that that is true for the sake of this post) because there was nothing else to relate to. Sure if something were to exist now with that level of density, or even half that density, it would instantaneously become a supermassive black hole, but a black hole is defined by how it attracts other matter or energy (you cant be something with a density so great that the pull of your gravity is such that light cannot escape it, without light to be pulled it).

so since there was nothing to be pulled in, it was essentially like a giant cell, on the other side of a perfect vacuum. of course it would explode with force!
*Technically, a whole bunch of matter and anti matter came out, and when the two come into contact they annihilate each other forming energy, and for some reason there happened to be more matter than antimatter.
This isnt me necessarily arguing the validity of this theory (i dont want to go into that here), rather im just proposing what the theory is suggesting, a feasible reason for the why/how of the theory that assumes (and therefore does not debate) the validity of the theory itself

The kickstarter is the shovel knight board game, and that strecth goal i mentioned its four dollars away so thats ones going to be reached, but iirc theres like 5 more tiers left to hit and each tier so far has been 10k. The project has 4 days lefts. Man I hope we get all the order of no quarter playable but it might not happen

That’s generally my response :slight_smile:

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Nah I am too busy for that.