54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I have five cats one dog one turtle fight me

We should have a catto picture 1v1

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That’s my little Shadow, a few weeks ago



Awe, he’s pretty.

Charlie the Cat https://imgur.com/a/oaZc19d

This is our fourth cat, Charlie. We found him on the street.

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Your cats look so calm and sleek, my two girls look like chubby lazy black and gray potatoes

The poll’s going nowhere fast.
Was 3-3. Now it’s 4-4.

Why is an evil ginger in the thread

And now 5-5.


ignoring the fact that you posted the toilet pic in the first place xD

6-5 now

No orange posted it

@Luxy u cute
@MaximusPrime u omega cute

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wait why would orange have that pic

ohhhhh wait no he’s in aus for the car race nvm

no u

Yes us

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Idea: rename everyone with a :shield:, see who thinks they have moderator lol.

mods have red names + titles

I think starting the game today won