54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Hell would have had to frozen before I believe I had moderator

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That could be arranged… for a price.

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Aww, heterochromia.



Woah Luxy’s a mod now
Everyone run

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Fear me Nerbins

Please, your omnipotence, have mercy!

Dammit new PFP idea and I just got this new one

switch it if you want

what? why would we fear a man in red? who are you trying to be, santa claus?


Because I was linked here

I see link and click it.

Even though on many occassions, I have been tricked, betrayed, and quite possibly, bamboozled.

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I’m just going to keep saying if I don’t respond I’m dead every night lmao

Hey guys if I don’t respond I’m dead

Also we are close dammit I need sleep tho

I am going to get the cookie, don’t @ me.