54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute



I have fortnite PhD

get others to help with your Latin project and then to make fun at them when you are presenting it

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It was worth it for the networking

Townread Wazza for existing
Townread Arete for wallposts
Check Datbird N1 hes scum
Mislynch Priestess D2 because she’s claiming neutral

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DANG YOU @Ami making me look dumb. <3 u still Kai

fixed that for you

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I wondered how hard it would be to find a group of people in my school and introduce them to forum mafia and make forum mafia a club lmao

wonder if it’s possible

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Thank you :upside_down_face:

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Don’t lynch confirmed scum because ‘efficiency’


god how the hell did that happen TWICE

I want to try and change my play style every time I play but I’m worried people would just be like omg sulit is playing like she does SCUM lynch her

never lynch DatBird despite being evil and found n1!


Colleges:We need you do to join clubs and do community work and extra stuff
Firekitten:But that involves talking to people I don’t know I can’t do that
Firekitten:Creates a club as a loophole

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Ignore meta reads completely. Have no fear about getting scumread. Just try and play how you like

make a free time club

Yeah but it’s annoying when people attempt to confine me to a meta and get in my way of total conquest and destruction

dw my dude, I wasnt in any clubs but a stupid community service one that was like do 100 hours and then never do anything with it again and I made it in just fine

What grades did you have