54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I don’t see how my powers are being misused when I want to keep an official FoL update thread listed, nor why this should be in the public sphere anyways.

Yes, Jgoes. :slight_smile:

Check discord, Solic.

Luxy only signed up recently too.

Ye, the current fol mod team consists of me, Luxy, Squid and Eevee.


Are you the main mod?

In my impression we are all equal

But we have different areas of concern, aka I’m responsible for fol

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Celeste the mountain climbing game

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So, done.

> be mercy
> one player leaves the game
> “we at -1”

2min later

> mercy heaaal us
> where are the healers

> the player who left the game was the fucking other healer.

I’ll try playing on each ranked queue to see my CR on the 3 roles :smile:

solo queueing is hell

Anyone know if there is a formula for calculating ITAs, Im finally trying to finish one of my forum games

use rng

Yes but is there a standard for kill range?


shush i need serious answers

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Uhh depends really how likely you want it to be.

There’s no standard but it really depends on like what you want it to do the game

15% is standard

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