54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I’ll try my best.

Hello, I’m Connor, the android sent by CyberLife!

Secret Hitler with your partner.

What could go wrong.

I did the deathtunnel thing again.

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How do you make your text glow :eyes:

not giving away my secrets :zipper_mouth_face:


yeah, its not too hard to figure out

really i just pronouce hja’s name as the letters

like aych jay ayyyy


Anyone here remember NightX?


The people demand answers :eyes:

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I pronounce it Haech-Jay-Ay

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$ima Pokémon SoulSilver

I pronounce it Aych-Ja

I pronounce it Haaa- Jaaaa

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I pronounce it as hejah

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pathetic weaklings. just say heh-ja.


oh you guys say it like that too, nice

But H_Hja I can’t even describe how I pronounce it because I say the letter in portuguese
Same with any nickname with numbers