54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I just realized both times (being converted twice prob isnt something i should be praised for at all) I have been converted in all my games playing here, both times were convert into wins within one to two days

Stopping to think about it they are on the same tier so they won’t need protection for being scummy


what ya testin?

wtf was that.

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damn it got fixed

Frisk is male
Chara is female
Niko is female


whos niko?


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That reminds me of this song!

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thats Nico Nico Nii!

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Bring some of them over when an NFoL is hosted

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I’d happily host a NFoL btw.
Preferably co-host.

Which actually reminds me aren’t we due for an NFoL @anon97870008?

Should’ve had one on during the anniversary event

I’d be down to host one if no one else wanted to.

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Idk they would find you guys aggressive