54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

gah fine i’ll play more on MU once I come back to playing mafia seriously again i get it

I guess I’m wrong

Do whatever you want Jake mods have the right to remove any class

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That sounded wrong

Mods CAN remove any class


Mafia? Serious?


@sulit My class did not break any rules either here or on the Global scale.

it’s especially weird considering that nobody gives slank vigges strongman if they’re sane
claimvigges yes, but slankvigges should generally be weaker than claimvigges since they’re a villager’s role rather than a wolf’s

note: unless the mod has given the wolves more doctors than average inactive wolves, in that case they’re not thinking about design anyway so whatever

just give mods the right to reroll shitty roles that still fit in the thread’s rules to prevent fringe case interactions

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Don’t repost a class if a mod removes it


But I added an ability to make it more interactive.

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alright fair enough


completeing the square sucks!

Ok, we need to start renumbering the Classes.

Slankvig? Claimvig?
Why do I need that?


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If I would make a Slank/claimvig, I would just make a normal vig, with the exception of that the kill is strongmanned if the slank/claim happened.
Both are just… patches.
Do you have an extremely unreliable playerbase? Yeah, then I see why you would need a slank vig.
Do your players think mass claims are unfun, but legitimate? Yeah, then there should be a claimvig.
Do you as host think massclaims are unfun and the players should stop, but the players are enjoying it and don’t want their meta to be forcefully changed? Yeah, then don’t give them a claimvig.

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