54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

But in a way I love you all because your quirks are amazing and make me laugh


are you sure about that

Am I the only one here that aren’t in either side

No nsfw hjasik

I dont know what this means

There’s so many flipping gems in that thread


I feel like an outsider looking in on ya’ll

where have you been surrounded by people like me

@Luxy can you cleanse that thread

it needs to be cleansed with fire

use kitten instead

why are we still here

I don’t know

I’m going to be honest I would not have ever remembered that happened if these topics weren’t brought up

It’s a slippery slope, from Dream daddy to whatever this is

I mean dream daddy isnt really that far from this

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That was not a good revelation

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too bad I wasnt there

I was traumatized on that day


I was traumatized later tho and went to blizer for therapy

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you would still be to this day if I was there

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