54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

let me find out

Let’s lynch scum!kitten

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everyone stopped posting

Its about 1/3 NSFW

it was a bad read

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Burn them with fire.

Uhh…Well, the next DR RP I co-hosted with Pug went real wrong…so…

Eyes at @PoisonedSquid

This is relatively…uh…safe…?

Wait no, they are not safe at all.

Don’t remind me

Jesus christ, someone please help me stop remembering that scene.

I am interested and listening

No no no no.

Bad Hjasik.


Tell pls

Nu, I am not going to read it again.



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@Solic if you’re serious get each petition signer to give you $20 and I’ll do it

You are selling your soul for 120$?

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