54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

If I’m going to do it again, I would probably make a new Neutral class so the game doesn’t get old

Maybe a class that needs to trigger a bomb in order to win

I’m in.

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Oooh I like it. Maybe make a clause if anyone can guess who they are they get a 1 time vest or vig if scum. That way he has to be covert about trying to trigger it

also squid what is ur pfp, they are so cheery looking

This is Ryōhei Seki, the Ultimate Police Officer. He’s from a Japanese fangan called Danganronpa The After and he’s my favorite character in the video series

Oof, too late.

wait theres videos, that interesting. I guess I gotta speed through them. I got to the first trial and stopped like two nights ago

Danganronpa The After is an obscure fangan, so I know why many people don’t know about it, especially since it’s in Japanese. Part of it is translated, but by the end of Chapter 1, I had to use my phone to translate everything. I still understand the story though and it’s really great. I highly recommend it

This is Dokusei, the Kinky. He’s [redacted]

This is Doppio he is ultimate telephone answerer

Look, Dokusei has changed for the greater good!.. He did become a robot, but hey, it’s much better than what he experienced the first time

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Sounds hawt not gonna lie

Literally just say every word.

thats why i proposed a guessing mechanic to the neut

You gonna have a bad time copy pasting dictionary with character limit

Or just copy paste wall posts other people made in games.

Stuff like that

Oh yeah, I should add something to the Neut. The guessing part would be much better than giving a single bomb immunity to the hammerer of their lynch or their killer which could only be the planter

Maybe a SK with 1-time bomb/night immunity and a bomb of their own.

Means maf can die from bomb too

Town don’t have KP in Watch Your Mouth!, so I don’t know how fair that would be to them if they have to lynch an extra person