54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

respect to the guy who said 69

Our memes

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That existence doesnt sound that bad


no :gun:

@Arete Hardclaiming Butler btw.


Neat, I hardclaim Princess

I used Wisp N1 and got a green

Why did you wisp D1 :thinking:

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I’m the best Princess

I start the game with a N0

/accuse Arete of treason
Hang them. They’re evil.

/vote Priestess

no you

/Grandtrial Arete
/Decide Fate Execute

I’m totally not a cheater

I hardclaim…

looks at Syndicate classes, can’t find them after 10 seconds of looking

uhh, fuck it, I’m 2nd Justicar


Can I please be third Justiciar then :frowning:

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sorry, i redchecked you n1


I redchecked you N0!

I decided I was going to tunnel you both before the game sta-Before even the game started the host told me that you were both going to roll scum

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I objectively knew you were Going to be scum in this game before universe existed

How do I not accidentally spend all my money on books

please help

But 1 book at a time and read it 3 times before u buy book 2