54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Society games

finally, a werewolf game that real GAMERS can play

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Anyone wanna play ToL?

Hey @anon97870008 you’re in the same TOL lobby as me

Help, Magnus pretends to not know how many princes are in one game :joy:


So? Why is that?

Because it changes wincon midgame(though I dont agree that it makes it bastard)

You would call ToL itself bastard too with your definition, and ToL is just an algorithmic game without any random elements after start, and the game isnt lying about any mechanic either

ToL is probably more bastard that FoL lol

These games really come down on the “mechanics that severely inconvenience players” side of things

Where notably “inconvenience” is meant in a quite literal sense

Mechanics are key, not inconvenience

So, like, having your win condition changed is extremely inconvenient given you must now play to a completely different goal

when the mod is having more fun than the players

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I mean, you can think what you want about what makes things fun

It’s just a definition lol

Mechanics are mechanics lul

I get the feeling you’re under the impression bastard is a derogatory term when it’s really not as long as people know what they’re getting into


Bastard game means “the host lies to you cuz its fun for him”

That is one of two things that can make a game bastard

The other is having mechanics that drastically inconvenience players