Forum of Lies 26 Signup Thread (18/18)


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Otherwise I stay a spectator

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@Tangeld You want join the adventure?

That is not what that means

They’re still bastard, it’s just public knowledge that they’re bastard

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In fact FOL is standard on this site, and non-conversion games are bastard here :wink:

But yeah fol uses a lot of mechanics which are traditionally bastard, but they arent bastard in an open setup like this

Bastard mechanics refer to ones in which either the moderator lies to players, or they actively interrupt the normal flow of gameplay and make things dramatically more inconvenient for players. This sometimes refers to mechanics that are only bastard if their existence is hidden, but by pretty much any interpretation of bastard things like conversion always qualify. Being standard on the site doesn’t change that, and it really doesn’t need to tbqh


Just 2 more!


I’ll just suffer


Give me neut so I don’t have to play


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(If slot left)

Yeah, should be filled now. @Frostwolf103 @katze

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sign-ups are closed and game will start on Saturday



When will we receive our classcards? Also on Saturday?

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That’s correct.

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until then, feel free to spam the thread more of randomness and will also accept for spectators and back-up players in meantime

I really hope Atua granted me the NK slot.

Who will be the two starting Cultseen?

@discobot roll 2d18

:game_die: 3, 1