54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

still depends on the day but the answer isn’t a definite no

i know this sounds dark, but I definitely would not want to cure anyone high up in the deep state that is causing some of the greatest problems currently plaguing our world, if any of them are infected.

tbh tho they are likely getting 10x more attention then the bottom 95% tho

like Tom Hanks

He’s sort of cool

@JakeTheWolfie has been Permanently Suspended for breaking Rule [8] of the Global/Forum Rules.

This user can appeal by DMing a Moderator through discord.


:eyes: well ok then

hello ban lady

go to sleep

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wait is he the scientology guy

Should we stop talking religion / politics in this forum / thread

if so, im sorry and we’ll keep it in our discord going forward.

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still wann know why katze knew that link was a thing :eyes:


Just dont get heated, yall seem fine <3


no thats travolta or tom cruise. Hanks is the guy in BIG and Toy Story

oh he was mr rodgers in that one movie

yeah i like him

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marshal ive been on the internet for a long time and im desensitized to a LOT of shit

blame the 'chans tho

ive also met a lot of people

I had discussed those matters before in this thread before, im pretty sure.
It’s hard for me to discern if that rule is saying that religion / politics must stay out of the entire forum or just locked into the off-topic section.

well i mean idk about who he is IRL but he was a nice guy when he played mr rodgers

marshal would you kill somebody in cold blood if it eradicated anime forever

Called it

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