54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


claimvigs are very good for VT games but not for rolemadness

but anticlaim is a good mechanic to include in FoL, we’d just need to Edit™ it


does anyone have any good things to do for April fools that are easy and require minimal effort

What do you need a giraffe mask for?

It is a necessity

much cheaper version of actual medical masks lol

Pretend like April Fools doesn’t exist and be completely oblivous when someone pranks you.

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I’m going to replace all the pictures in the picture frames in my house with pictures of cats


Inb4 nobody even notices

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Capture _2020-03-29-16-50-17

That’s nice.

It’s a good thing that nobody has figured out that i’ve actually been impersonating marshal this entire time and he never escaped the closet


I’m visiting you in Austin then. Guide party?

i’m not in austin
marshal is

you are controlling Marshalls account the entire time

if you steal a player’s forum account does that mean you’re in a permanent hydra with them :eyes:

You are hydraing with yourself 4head

Starting now every game I lose someone from the winning team gets to decide my PFP till I lose the next game or win a game

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