54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

What’s this?




you have been jailed

this is the class

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Wait… I wrote that? Lul. I like me

okay here is the fool uwuized like 10 times


[cawwaww=hawtpwwwwwwwwwwwwink]the fawaww[/cawwaww] :shhhhhhhhhhhhhiewd: :fiwe:

[cawwaww=hawtpwwwwwwwwwwwwink]neutwaw shhhhhhhhhhhhawciaw[/cawwaww]
inshhhhhhhhhhhhanitnnnnnnnnnnnnyeeeeeeeeeeee (pwwwwwwwwwwwwashhhhhhhhhhhhshhhhhhhhhhhhive) - immune taw death fwawm nawn-bd attackshhhhhhhhhhhh awnce. If mawwe than 2 awthew nawn-bd awe executed duwinw de dannnnnnnnnnnnyeeeeeeeeeeee, nnnnnnnnnnnnyeeeeeeeeeeeeawu wiww shhhhhhhhhhhhuicide de next niwht. Yawu wiww shhhhhhhhhhhhee de twue natuwe awf annnnnnnnnnnnnyeeeeeeeeeeee tampwwwwwwwwwwwwewed wnnnnnnnnnnnnyeeeeeeeeeeeencheshhhhhhhhhhhh.
finaw pwwwwwwwwwwwwwank (pwwwwwwwwwwwwashhhhhhhhhhhhshhhhhhhhhhhhive) - nnnnnnnnnnnyeeeeeeeeeeeawu mannnnnnnnnnnnyeeeeeeeeeeee ushhhhhhhhhhhhe deceive 2 timeshhhhhhhhhhhh aftew de dannnnnnnnnnnnyeeeeeeeeeeee nnnnnnnnnnnnyeeeeeeeeeeeeawu wet wnnnnnnnnnnnnyeeeeeeeeeeeenched.
mashhhhhhhhhhhhk awf mannnnnnnnnnnnnyeeeeeeeeeeee faceshhhhhhhhhhhh (dannnnnnnnnnnnyeeeeeeeeeeee) if nnnnnnnnnnnnyeeeeeeeeeeeeawu awe wnnnnnnnnnnnnyeeeeeeeeeeeenched tawdannnnnnnnnnnnyeeeeeeeeeeee, nnnnnnnnnnnnyeeeeeeeeeeeeawu wiww fwipwwwwwwwwwwww ashhhhhhhhhhhh de cwashhhhhhhhhhhhshhhhhhhhhhhh awf nnnnnnnnnnnnyeeeeeeeeeeeeawuw chawice. - 2 ushhhhhhhhhhhheshhhhhhhhhhhh.
eaveshhhhhhhhhhhhdwawpwwwwwwwwwwww (dannnnnnnnnnnnyeeeeeeeeeeee) - check de awiwnment awf de tawwet pwwwwwwwwwwwwwannnnnnnnnnnnyeeeeeeeeeeeeew. Yawu wiww weceive de weshhhhhhhhhhhhuwt at de shhhhhhhhhhhhtawt awf de niwht. (1 ushhhhhhhhhhhhe)
deceive (niwht) - chawawshhhhhhhhhhhhe da cwashhhhhhhhhhhhshhhhhhhhhhhh and whawm tawwet pwwwwwwwwwwwwwannnnnnnnnnnnyeeeeeeeeeeeeew vishhhhhhhhhhhhitshhhhhhhhhhhh and ishhhhhhhhhhhh vishhhhhhhhhhhhited bnnnnnnnnnnnnyeeeeeeeeeeee. Inveshhhhhhhhhhhhtiwatawwshhhhhhhhhhhh vishhhhhhhhhhhhitinw tawwet pwwwwwwwwwwwwwannnnnnnnnnnnyeeeeeeeeeeeeew wiww weceive weshhhhhhhhhhhhuwtshhhhhhhhhhhh cawwweshhhhhhhhhhhhpwwwwwwwwwwwwawndinw with nnnnnnnnnnnnyeeeeeeeeeeeeawuw chawiceshhhhhhhhhhhh. Weshhhhhhhhhhhhawwveshhhhhhhhhhhh aftew fwameshhhhhhhhhhhh/taiwawwshhhhhhhhhhhh. Can tawwet shhhhhhhhhhhhewf. - infinite ushhhhhhhhhhhheshhhhhhhhhhhh
make shhhhhhhhhhhhuwe naw mawwe than 2 awthew nawn-bd awe wnnnnnnnnnnnnyeeeeeeeeeeeenched duwinw de cawuwshhhhhhhhhhhhe awf de wame.

ok now do marshal

plz no innuendoes

Yeah, this seems balanced.

Make a Marshete role


but ill uwuize the marshal classcard

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are u asking ppl to do you

marshal uwuized 5 times

[cawwaww=pwwwwwuwpwwwwwwe]the mawshhhhhhaw[/cawwaww]

[cawwaww=pwwwwwuwpwwwwwwe]unshhhhheen inveshhhhhtiwative[/cawwaww]
bwibe (dannnnnyeeeee) - weawn if da pwwwwwwannnnnyeeeeeew ishhhhh da membew awf de bwue dwawawn. - 2 ushhhhheshhhhh
intewwawwate (niwht) - tawwet annnnnnyeeeee numbew awf pwwwwwwannnnnyeeeeeewshhhhh and decwawe da cwashhhhhshhhhh name. Yawu wiww weawn if annnnnnyeeeee awf thawshhhhhe pwwwwwwannnnnyeeeeeewshhhhh awe that cwashhhhhshhhhh (but nawt whawm) - infinite ushhhhheshhhhh
nnnnyeeeeawuw awbjective ishhhhh taw ewiminate de bwue dwawawn and annnnnnyeeeee neutwawshhhhh whaw shhhhhtand awainshhhhht nnnnnyeeeeeawu.

I have an idea for a Neut that I think isn’t terrible and that I don’t think anyone has had before.

I’m too lazy to make it right now though.

can nobody read

smh my head


Don’t :eyes: me.

I could probably create a good neut if I had more ideas for wincons

Just pick a mechanic and make a neut based on that, ez.