6d6 Mafia - Game Over - Town Wins

What the fuck


Marl the last time I CFD off the almost confirmed scum a town was killed, we may not even have a vig. There is no reason to CFD off to them.

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I’m loving this Marl~

A new side of him

I really doubt there is a vig to be honest here. I think Celeste was bs’ing this time comapred to Cult in the Jungle

Note: I may or may not have hired satan to make marl’s autocorrect more annoying.



No the last time you cfdd off of scum for no reason you lynched another scum

I didn’t though,'I lynched Dama.

When even was this?

I might need to read up on this game, unless it was FE?

Note also how there is almost zero resistance to Sam’s wagon, making it even more likely that it’s a bus.

Times change cat
I want to pressure Alfa
How much time left until EOD?

4 hours, there is not enough time for that.

The zero resitance on this doesn’t mean it is a bus. You have seen him lost motivation, and he even admitted it

Or a mislynch

Just wait until you get to the later part of the thread.

Reee Alfa probably won’t even be awake by eod

Marl there is no way this is a mislynch, just look at the lost wolves comment. I agree with solic that this could be a buss, but a buss still gets us a scum.

/Bus Sam

Bus = vote btw ici

If we have an investigation PR they should check Alfie tonight

I’m sure that you don’t think it’s a bus. :eyes: