6d6 Mafia - Game Over - Town Wins

What if it’s a van instead

Or a truck


Hey, not necessarily my fault. Even Hip pointed out some of the things that I seemed to notice about a town motivated Sam.

However, the posts that make him more sus. The suggestion of the lost wolf which is non-existant and the fact he outed as Vanilla Citizen when there was over 24 hours left. Vanilla would either not claim or they would claim within the last five hours in plurality games. This is the normal behaviour I would assume from them

We walked into that one, didn’t we?

Sam refused to claim in sfol yellow dragon or something whatever it was to me, he barely even gave a claim granted he was neutral but he said he would do the same as any


Don’t you think this is a scumslip? We were rapidly discussing back and forth, so it’s likely that he slipped and called himself scum instead of town.

You really can’t read can you…

I actually think you’re misinterpreting it accidentally to be honest. Maybe I’m wrong about you being scum. Maybe you’re town.

But a really bad player!

Yeah whatever Wolf(y).

Solic is town imo
also your post is like
Objectively fishy

But I don’t want to Lynch you today

The entire Wolfy v Solic bit is striking me as TvS

But this would make that so sweet.

Scum much leading on MArl, trying to pocket him like I’m pocketing Celeste?

Contradictive much? No?

Guess I’m dumb…

I understood like 0 of that sentence no offense it just looks like jumbled words.

Honestly I wouldn’t mind wolfy getting checked imo,

Got nothing to hide.

As I said, if we even had a vig that shot me as well, kinda would mean that Solic is a tad more sus.

Wait I just realized how terrible of a idea it is to say who to check, scum could potentially have a watcher.

I actually gave Marl an argument, whereas you were just friendly towards Marge for no reason, so it’s not the same thing.

I watcher suggests more lookout though. I could be healed by doc or something for example?

Still, if all the power roles go onto one person scum could potentially find them, so basically, we make no day plans and let them think for themselves.

It’s a matter of interpreting it. Marl says it’s fishy? Fine.

Others may interpret the other way and actually understand what I’m truely saying. Clearly, this isn’t you, and sadly not you either Marl.

I was hoping you would have understood that more.

How much do you think Celeste is Vig, cuz I’m still calling bs on it

What use is it to possibly deduce a town PR publically…? You’re just killing them if we have no supports.