6d6 Mafia - Game Over - Town Wins

Day is over right?

Uhhhh this is definitely 5

Sam17z has been lynched. He was a Citizen

Night 1 begins and will end in 24 hours

You may no longer post.


sooooooo uhhhhhhh i really need to fucking get back on schedule
but I can’t

Start of day has been adjusted to 8 PM BST.

Nobody died last night!

Day 2 begins and will end in 48 hours.

You may now post.

Nobody died? /vote Wolfy still.

no deaths is highly strange


Perhaps someone got healed or mafia got roleblocked?

Any mafia can perform the factional kill, so inactivity is not something we can look for.

Can you sheep me now for once by the way? I’d hate to repeat the whole viva la revolution debacle, where I had to tunnel Sarun for 3 days before we finally lynched him.

Also do you think Sarun is the same alignment as Wolfy?

/vote Wolfy Shore

also i have absolutely no insight onto the relationship between sarun and wolfy

casual reminder i replaced in like 4 hours before EOD so i couldn’t contribute much

/vote Solic

He’s been pretty much twisting my words in an attempt to make me appear scum.

The so called “scum slip” is one of them. The second point is him saying what I was doing earlier was trying to pressure Alfa in rvs by saying when I said that she was a guess as scum. I actually didn’t want to pressure her at all in the begining. However some point, we need to investigate her as the last time, she posted over 72 hours ago. When the game first started, she made about three posts like time for me to be a shit player or whatever.

He’s been pushing me really hard for some reason before the even said “scum slip”.

Also yes, I fucked up with Sam, bit town Sam does not play like that nor was his plays town motivated at all. I’m not the only one who should be under scrutiny there either as Hip did the same as me.

If you claim Sam was a mislynch, you were probably right, but my reasons were justified. He just voted Sam after Sam’s weird points rather than anything else which makes me slightly sus now.

However, the two scum for me is Solic for pretty much pushing me and twisting my words. If you want me to explain my so called “fishy post” Marl, I can if you want.

Except that’s the entire point of RVS. You pressure people. Why wouldn’t you have wanted to pressure her…??? This makes no sense whatsoever.

Good luck explaining that slip away by the way.

You also white knighted me at the start of day, so you can act ignorant to my reasons for voting you, but in reality you just cherrypick your arguments.

Ok, I have no clue what white knighting is, and even if you did, you’re using the words incorrectly. Also, I spent a long time making a log full of reads list. Here’s a bit in the Marl except of it.

Also Marl, I’m really disappointed in you yet again. You say that my quote about “At least I can win more games as scum as you” was fishy. I thought you would have been smarter and interpreted correctly. As in, I have played more scum games than you Solic, and will more than likely still be able to win more games as scum compared to you. Just, Marl…

This is also LAMIST fluff.

Proves “white knighting” how?

You’re defending me for zero reason at start of RVS. Town has no reason to do that, since they can’t know that I’m town. Scum can do it to befriend town and gain their trust. What you responded to is also suspicious but an unrelated point. Note that these are the posts you chose to ignore prior in my wall of text post.


I found this as a definition of white knighting.

In forum parlance, it means rushing to the aid of another poster for whatever reason. An accusation typically reserved for when a poster is being hammered by another poster(s) and the accused leaps in to defend them, usually without thinking things through as to why the person is being attacked.

Poster A: <Says something unfunny>
Poster B: Shut up, douche.
White Knight: Hey, leave him alone. Why are you all ganging up on him?
Poster B: Quite white knighting, douche.

My shot hm :thinking: