6d6 Mafia - Game Over - Town Wins

I mean, Cult in the Jungle, we thought Celeste claiming vig was bs, but turns out, it did happen.

Chances of that happening again is really slim, and I really don’t believe that they are vig. I mean, there could be a vig, but then they decide to shoot someone unexpected such as Alfa or Celeste.

Also, is it me, but despite Celeste’s lack of interactions, it doesn’t look as scummy for once? Well, aside from “claiming” a PR…

Why are you trying to out town PR’s or at least hunting for them? Town support is not guaranteed, but mafia kills are.

This is not hunting out. I’m just asking opinions.

After all, since not guranteed, I did after all say to shoot you if there was one to save us the bother of you being the D2 lynch.

You can ask town PR’s to do things without naming names.

Yeah, again, i did say vig vig you if we have one. I didn’t specifically say Celeste the very first time because they tend to meme about being vig when a vig is something that can be rolled.

I don’t think even Sarun took them seriously.

I dont like how PKR tried to defend Alfa tbh

but i still think Alfa is the fishiest sardine in our barrel

Hey, if she flips scum somehow, then allow me to take credit since I made that as my random scum guess bit like Ashe in Assassin in the Castle.

I’ll be impressed if that happens again. But then it was more a guess… and I didn’t really suggest that she could be a PR if she was scum then…




Is happening here?


I swept in and now reign atop your throne. Kneel, peasant! This kingdom is mine!

Yes, m’lord.

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I was kidding you can have your chair back :sweat:

Seriously though…

I feel like we’ve been waiting a long time right now. I would spend more time productively playing DBD about now, and trying to improve with Amanda with the level I got her at

Alright, I read up Marl’s wall of Alfa posts.
She is significantly lacking confidence, but my question is what had she played as before?
Unless we look into her past, we cannot know if it’s fully scummy or whether it’s just unsure town.
At this time I’d lean on her being a vanilla role who’s not used to mountainous

She hasn’t played all that much

Shes generally a host, backup, or spectator

Yeah, I know that.
But she’s played some games.
So she should have some confidence in certain classes.

You don’t know alfa :thinking:

Shes like this in other games too

I copped margaret with my day ability they’re scum btw