6d6 Mafia - Game Over - Town Wins

Want to roll the dice?

:game_die: :game_die: :game_die: 6d6 - A Competetive Mafia game. :game_die: :game_die: :game_die:

:game_die: Rules :game_die:

  1. Always respect your fellow players and me. It’s just common sense.
  2. Do not angleshoot or otherwise attempt to gain in-game advantages based on factors outside of the game.
  3. Do not cheat by communicating about the game outside of the game.
  4. Do not be inactive. I won’t be too strict with prods but if I see you clearly not posting enough I will replace you out.
  5. Always play to win. Gamethrowing is strictly prohibited.
  6. Have fun.

:game_die: Mechanics :game_die:

  • Days will last for 48 hours, nights will last for 24 hours.
  • The lynch will be decided by plurality at deadline. Majority lynch is not in play.
  • Mafia have daychat, and must give up their action to kill a player. The factional kill is assigned.
  • You will not be informed if you are role-blocked unless you are an investigative.

:game_die: Rolelist :game_die:

I will roll a 6 sided die, a d6, six times. This will determine the town’s power roles. Here’s how.
If I roll a one, a two, or a three, I will mark down an I, for Investigative.
If I roll a four or a five, I will mark down a P, for Protective
If I roll a six, I will mark down a K, for Killing.

After i’ve rolled it 6 times, I’ll count up how many of each letter I got, and I’ll use that to determine the power roles based on this table

Number of letters rolled Investigative Protective Killing
One Innocent Child Bodygaurd 1-shot Vigilante
Two Role Oracle Doctor 2-shot Vigilante
Three Role Cop Roleblocker Infinite shot Vigilante
Four Tracker Jailkeeper Infinite Shot Vgilante
Five Parity Cop Jailkeeper + Bodygaurd Infinite Shot Vigilante + 1-shot Vigilante
Six Cop Roleblocker + Doctor Infinite Shot Vigilante + 2-shot Vigilante

Then, I’ll add as many Vanilla Townies as neccecary to take the numbers of town up to 10.

However, the Mafia need a bit of help too!
I’ll take the number of Power Roles randed from above, and I’ll take one away from that number.
I’ll roll that many dice. Each number on the dice corresponds to a particular role, and I’ll add the power roles that correspond to what is rolled on each die.

Number Rolled Mafia Role
One Roleblocker
Two Roleblocker
Three Jailkeeper
Four Role Cop
Five Tracker
Six Watcher

I’ll finally add as many Mafia Goons as needed to bring the total number of Mafia up to 3.
Confused? Here’s an example rand:

Example Rand

First, roll a die 6 times.

Town (6d6): 6 (K), 6 (K), 3 (I), 4 ( P ), 5 ( P ), 2 (I)
(x2 K) 2-Shot Town Vigilante
(x2 I) Town Role Oracle
(x2 P) Town Doctor

With 3 Town Power Roles, Mafia get two Power Roles. Roll a die 2 times.

Mafia (2d6): 2, 5
(2) Mafia Roleblocker
(5) Mafia Tracker

Fill up the rest of the Town and Mafia with Vanillas and you get:

x1 2-Shot Town Vigilante
x1 Town Role Oracle
x1 Town Doctor
x7 Vanilla Town
x1 Mafia Roleblocker
x1 Mafia Tracker
x1 Mafia Goon

:game_die: Rolecards :game_die:


Vanilla Townie


You have no abilities except your voice and your vote! Good luck!

You win when the Mafia have been eliminated.

Innocent Child


At any time during the day, you may reveal to everyone that you are a Innocent Child by messaging the mod.

You win when the Mafia have been eliminated.

Role Oracle


Each night, you may choose a player. If you die, the last player you visited will have their abilities publicly revealed to everyone. (Eg: If you targeted a Town Roleblocker and died, the town would get the message that they are a Roleblocker. Naturally, a Mafia Roleblocker would reveal as the same thing, so be careful!)

You win when the Mafia have been eliminated.

Role Cop


Each night you may target a player, learning their role but not their allignment.( Eg: If you targeted a Town Roleblocker you would get the message that they are a Roleblocker. Naturally, a Mafia Roleblocker would appear to be a Roleblocker as well, so be careful!)

You win when the Mafia have been eliminated.



Each night you may target a player, learning who they target with an ability, if anyone.

You win when the Mafia have been eliminated.

Parity Cop


Each night you may target a player, learning if they are the same allignment as the person you targeted the previous night. Obviously, this means you won’t get any results on Night 1, so be patient!

You win when the Mafia have been eliminated.



Each night you may target a player, learning if they are Mafia or not.
[player] is a member of the Town

You win when the Mafia have been eliminated.



Each night you may target a player. If that player were to die that night, you will die instead and they will live.
You do NOT kill whoever attacked them.

You win when the Mafia have been eliminated.



Each night you may target a player. If that player would die they will instead survive.

You win when the Mafia have been eliminated.



Each night you may target a player. That player’s ability, if any, will fail.

You win when the Mafia have been eliminated.



Each night you may target a player. That player’s action, if any, will fail, and if they would die that night they will instead survive.

You win when the Mafia have been eliminated.

X-shot Vigilante


X times per game, at night, you may kill a player.

You win when the Mafia have been eliminated.

Mafia Goon


You have no special abilities, but can carry out the factional kill and communicate with your fellow Mafia.

You win when the Mafia control 50% of the votes in the game.



Each night you may target a player. That player’s action, if any, will fail.

You win when the Mafia control 50% of the votes in the game.



Each night you may target a player. That player’s action, if any, will fail, and if they would die that night they will instead survive.

You win when the Mafia control 50% of the votes in the game.

Role Cop


Each night you may target a player, learning their role but not their alignment (but since Mafia know everyone’s alignment in this game that last part can be safely ignored.)

You win when the Mafia control 50% of the votes in the game.



Each night you may target a player, learning who they target with an ability, if anyone.

You win when the Mafia control 50% of the votes in the game.



Each night you may target a player, learning who targets them with an ability that night.

You win when the Mafia control 50% of the votes in the game.

:game_die: Signups :game_die:

  1. Wolfy
  2. Hippolytus
  3. Captain Marluxion
  4. Solic
  5. htm
  6. Sam17z
  7. overthebin
  8. Margaret
  9. Firekitten
  10. Sarun
  11. PokemonKidRyan
  12. Queen_Alfa
  13. Bazingaboy

:game_die: Backups :game_die:

  • Marcus_Doodalee
  • Shurian
  • Livicus

:game_die:Spectators :game_die:

  • Luxy


First! Looks fun as well. I pray for all our sakes

PS: i’m attempting to host two comp games at once may goodness have mercy upon my soul



/in setup looks confusing ngl

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I will pray with you


It’s mostly an unnecessary, yet interesting, explanation of how the random selection mechanism works to me.

Yeah same tbh

You don’t really need to knkow much about how the random selection works except that it chooses a random role from one of those 3 collumns (sometimes none) and then scales up Mafia’s power to compensate.

God*, we respecc deists if you are one :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll join if you rig me to get Oracle :stuck_out_tongue:

…I’ll just pretend that the RNG is fair, alright :wink:

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no but seriously is that an /in


PS: i’ve set the game lengths to 48 hour days and 24 hour nights with plurality on the day because I prefer those lengths with plurality only


Fine I’ll /back tf up for dis

@Icibalus now that I think about it this is a rather dicey setup you’ve got here

…nobody understands how it actually works do they


You made it kinda confusing it is on you