SFM Enemy Within Informed Spec chat

what? So there is no NK, there’s just the plague?

@astand thank you for spreading unnecessary fear. The players get a seed of doubt.

In Deus Ex universe yes, but even there is no plague in here.

Imagine conversion being thrown out the window.

Which is why Eevee has most of town abilities in his disposal.


i was rooting for nsf too

I forgot that there is no D1 cuddle.

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Oh? Min doing research in enemy within?

OMG they’re gonna cuddle eevee D2. Oh frabjous day, callooh callay!

it’d be hilarious if eevee got stopped n1 and put on the chopping block day 2

does anything stop the Illuminati from converting an NSF member and just having that NSF member out all their old teammates to the court?

Do you mean outting yourself as Illuminati?

maybe that, maybe just pretending to have redchecked them or something

illuminati caps out at 3 members

a kamikaze play like that kills the multiball, leaves you with at most two members
and you’ll never have any more than that
so now it’s just one or two wolves versus the entire town and they don’t even have KP


I deleted it, nerd.

doesn’t mean i can’t bully you

That happened before in first Enemy Within 1

I reckon he has a plan.