A "No Graphics" mode for ToL

So, there’s all these graphics mode for ToL. However, if you don’t have the best of computers (like me), then you’ll most be lagging a lot, and it can be infuriating. Infuriating to the point where you don’t really want to play ToL because of how infuriating it can be.

My proposal: A No Graphics mode for ToL!

What will be changed:

  • No more courtroom graphics! Poof!
  • The entire lower portion screen will become the chatbox
  • Abilities will be relocated to the upper portion of the screen
  • Private Notes and The Logbook animation will just pop into existence instead of the animation and will become more simplified in terms of graphics

What will not be changed:

  • Class Cards, Private Notes, The Deathnote, and The Logbook will stay the same mechanically
  • The Playerlist will still work the same and will be in the same place
  • Opening chat history will be the same

I think that, while there are many things that could slow down ToL, the 3D graphics is the main cause of them.


Just make it a still image each phase.

The game already has some great artwork.


A still image of what?

Draw up a nice-looking rendition of everyone around a table with the King.

Better than black nothingness.


Something like the Blue Dragon Win endscreen?


fully support (I may have even proposed something like that a year or 2 ago, can’t remember if that was here or on ToS. But yeah, graphics and effects are great and all, but they aren’t necessary for gameplay.


I remember seeing this on ToS for sure

Also hi long time no see buddy

yeah i remember someone saying something like this a while ago

no idea who by though

Good idea!