A Place to Ask Questions about the forums 2: Electric Boogaloo

It’s that you can’t hide the vote, but it thinks you did, so it lets you show it again, causing it to duplicate the options.

What’s the difference between a forum mute and forum ban?

Additionally: Are you allowed to use metareads from an ongoing game?

This is not allowed as it can easily end up leading to angleshooting

I think mutes are just like

temporary measures the mods use to ask you to stfu and aren’t logged

where as bans are for an acutal set period of time and recorded.

mutes prevent you from talking, while bans prevent you from logging in altogether

What if you just go on the forums without an account while you’re banned?

I mean

Then you’re not logged in

And? It’s essentially the same as a mute, as what are the benefits to not being able to talk while being logged in?

they can’t prevent you from accessing the site

I think with mutes you can still use private messages

You can’t talk while not logged in

you can view and I believe talk in private messages when muted but not banned

bans mean your account is locked

hey guys i posted a picture of my moms credit card on the roblox forums and now my moms really mad at me because apparently she lost like a grand or something. How do I fix this?

Pls don’t ask these kinds of questions here. This is the place for forum-related questions, not spam.

yeah but its a question about a forum. You asked for forum related questions right?

I said no spam, and I meant it. Off-topic was paywalled for a reason

What does it mean when an account’s name is anonxxxxxx?


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And how do you do that?

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