A Place to Ask Questions about the forums 2: Electric Boogaloo

If you want to have your account anonymized, you’ll need to contact the mods! :slightly_smiling_face:



Why is FoL a shit setup?

the balance team is run by some nerd who doesnt know how to balance and nobody else on the team really stops him because they’re lazy

I don’t care to read and I want to know what the cards do
What should I do?

ask somebody else and then get offended when they suggest you didn’t read cards

What has been the most replaced slot on this site?


You didn’t have to phrase it like this. We liked ans a lot and this is a very provocative way of doing it. You could have asked “what makes an account go anonxxxxxxx”. Now I’m sad. I don’t know why you phrased it like this, you didn’t even know him and he was a treasured member of this community.

It just feels intentionally provacative with that when you yourself said you wanted it to just be questions.

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Wait, how did I phrase it? Phrasing things properly on the internet is challenging

Its the anstreim part


didnt particularly want to be reminded of that and it wasn’t actually relevant to the question itself. Felt like you were just trying to get a rise or put stakes in the question for people who miss him.

Sorry about that! I had just noticed that his account name became that, and I wanted to know what that means

wait I’m confused what did he do that was bad

EDIT: also my mom grounded me for 6 years and won’t let me play roblox for any of them. How do I fix this?

It’s okay im just sad

Is “he” me or Anstreim?

I’m sure he didn’t mean anything. He was probably just curious about what happened to him and it ain’t really anything bad.

Granted, not even I know and I really hope he’s doing okay.

you do realize that off-topic is literally meant for spam

Proving my point. This isn’t the off-topic category. The current one has been paywalled for a reason

Can one of the mods put BruceyBoyo on the Staff list?

He technically has a forum account

i’m not

what makes you think that