A Place to Ask Questions about the forums 2: Electric Boogaloo

how are these two comments related, other than the “off-topic” words

he doesnt use the forums otherwise he’d prob be on the list

ok i have some questions

N1. How do i make text bigger or smaller?

and the most important question

N2. What does the AtE mean wondering cause self vote and ate meme :crazy_face:

put a hashtag in front of it

this has 1





<big> and <small> also work

Appeal to emotion

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ok thx

just as a reminder for that text though, big/ any of the # text that is bigger than normal is reserved for hosts. So try not use them mid forum game

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do not open if you are a moderator of the forums

hosts wont ever notice if you do three hashtags

dont tell the mods i said this

its slightly bigger

you can also do <big>text goes here, NERD</big> for not bold big text that goes in the middle of sentences

you can also do text goes here, NERD for not bold big text that goes in the middle of sentences

this can’t stop me because i can’t read

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Open this, I just wanted to give you people a button to click to make this more fun and engaging

It’s very obviously larger than

Bold Text

and identifiable by anyone who knows.
It’s just that hosts usually don’t care.

kat I literally do that

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Why are some people’s names gray?

I assume this is asking about forums?

The gray colored ones are the normal ones
The orange colored ones are our mods (chloe, datbird, arete)

I mean darker gray than normal

They’re at a lower trust level and don’t have some permissions as a result

Jazz’s name is dark, Planterror’s is whitish

(Jazz was also perma banned to my knowledge)

I know that. Does that cause a gray name? I didn’t know that

It’s new or banned players. It related to trust level. Banned players obviously have not a high one.

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Why does quoting a PM cause the title to appear as “On Another Topic”?