A Place to Ask Questions about the forums 2: Electric Boogaloo

Because its private and they cant see the title of they arent in it and if ur title was shown it be like sometimes bad

Is “On Another Topic” something set by Xblade or Discourse?

I have no clue and it prob doesnt matter



I’m not out of likes though. Does anyone know what happened?

The amount of likes somebody at trust level 1 can use was set to 1 as a counter-measure against trolling.

It seems that has edited the badge for everybody and now any person who uses a single like will get the badge.


are the forums cool?

too cool for school :sunglasses:

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eh depends on the day, today i would say its pretty moderate temperature wise


you in particular typing this post just answered my question :slight_smile:

important question: how the fuck do i hate katze so much but also love them so much?

i have that effect on people


cause they cringe, but they are our cringe

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solid answer

What does it mean when your reads are hedgey?

also inb4 this thread gets renamed to conduit stop asking dum :b: questions


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Marshal is pretty cringe imo but he could be not cringe. Idk how cringe he is.

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Sulit pushing me could mean she herself is cringe, but Idk she can also just be non-cringe and wrong.


we are all cringe here marshal


Does anyone know what the most replaced slot on this site has been?