A Sad Reality For FM

Fair enough.

I canā€™t focus on any games at a long point anymore as Iā€™m getting overwhelmed too quickly

Imo the problem is too many mashes

@PoisonedSquid Which meansā€¦?

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There is only 1 mash on now ?

not actually mashes
just games with like 15+ players

Shes gonna keep being in 7 forum mafias and complain about how busy she is :^)


Youā€™ll be overwhelmed quickly if you donā€™t know what is happening tbh

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Unless youā€™re me

Dude there were like 10 games at once before

You donā€™t need to join every ongoing game. ā€œThere are too many games, reeee!ā€ Is a highly first world problem


I mean it can definitely cause problems

But I agree itā€™s not as bad as it was by a fair bit

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Marl, you know I have poor impulse control. Plus, the amount of pinging asking people to join doesnā€™t help things either

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Thatā€™s not really the hosts fault

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Maybe we ban that?

Self control tbh

I mean the pings

Bad impulse control is a personal problem

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The pings ffs

