A Sad Reality For FM

Fine how about just banning masspings

Those can be annoying

Iā€™m aware of what you meant
Only squid has this problem
Everyone else knows when to join or not join

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Some people beg for others to join the games no matter what, thatā€™s not our own fault :confused:

And I say no and go on my day

Remember squid

ā€œNoā€ is your friend :slight_smile:

Wow traitor

B-But flavors

At least I have some sort of control with MU games

Everyone just needs to know their own limit nuff said

I really wanted to join Marlā€™s EFOL but was in 2 other games so I didnā€™t join, this is a prime example of control

Thereā€™s still one slot sir

If you donā€™t learn how to say ā€˜noā€™ youā€™ll end up in a bad marriage with 20 kids when you originally didnā€™t want any :eyes:


Iā€™m down for a bad marriage but I think Iā€™ll pass on 20 kids

Canā€™t have kids accidentally if youā€™re gay


Canā€™t have gay accidentially if youā€™reā€¦ dead?

max am I doing this right?


Youā€™re doing fine Orange lol

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