A Sad Reality For FM

No. The opposite, lol.
At the very least wait for JOAT to finish up.


I think FMs should just take less time than they do, 48 hours for one night and a maximum of 96 hours per day seems really excessive

Agreed, a lot of these game hosts assume we have lives

That was originally the plan - I’ll talk it over with the FoL Team, but more than likely we’re going to start enforcing 3 Ongoing FM’s Maximum.

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Let’s make a poll here, actually.

How many FM’s should be allowed to run at once?

  • One
  • Two
  • Three
  • Four
  • Unlimited

0 voters

Marl how about, a Commission of Forum Mafia Games forum mafia would be seperated into Bastard FM, Official FM (Queue List), & Experimental FM. Anyone can do bastards, you gotta do 1 experimental fm and succeed to reach official fm where you can queue in to the list. 2 FMs of a normal mafia type and a specialized mafia type (totally not stealing SFoL) at the same time. Ez peazy now get into the casino

Stop being racist to the number 4. They have lives too!

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Should also make an elite Forum Mafia category where only people with like 3 games played can join. One elite game would go at a time. Would be mini SFoLs

Or like beta testing of soon to come SFoL class bases with scaled down mechanics


Marl then I have TOO RUSH TO POST TEH BIRTHDAY :frowning:

I could definitely see mini beta SFoL’s being used in experimental. However I feel like there should be more experimental slots than normal slots.

4/2/2 Experimental/Official/Bastard

Also what about Non-FM games? Such as ONUW and 2R1B?

4/2/1. No one needs more than 1 bastard at a time.


Aint lies my dood

How am I suppose to believe that?

Those super small bastards dont count as bastard. Its stuff like evil within, carnival, and camelot that count as bastard :wink:


Says the person hosting a bastard game :wink: