Abilities disappearing on use after

Can we please discuss the annoying and very frustrating fact that class abilities that have a limited amount of use disappear after something happens to you.

I use my merc kill ability on someone and I get occupied. That 1 time use ability is now lost. For what? I was occupied…did I try to kill the occupier? No henjust kept me buay during my attempt but I didn’t actually attempt to kill. It makes sense if I go to kill them and they guard or even debauch me. Then I lose the charge. This happens to alot of classes but I’m drawing a blank.


I agree. If your visit fails for any reason then you didn’t use the ability so it shouldn’t take a use. If the effect of the ability fails then that’s another story (like if you attack someone that is night immune) but if the ability isn’t used in the first place then the cost should not be paid either.


I also really like this idea. When this happens, I always get really frustrated.