Academy {Main Thread}

“Guess that’s it.” Fie says, her stealth wearing off.

“T-the body just disappeared!” Ferris exclaimed.

“Strange. Oh well.”

Majita has not grabbed the sepith. And besides, you don’t really know what Wind can do.

Protip: Ask Elise.

matija goes and grabs the sepith and puts it away anywhere they can

Matija grabs a pretty big portion of the sepith. There’s still some left.

“Wind Sepith… that’s a lot of it. But is this it? I don’t see any other paths.” Ferris remarks.

Indeed, there was no other places to go.

“Yup. We’re supposed to write a report about the whole trip as well.” Fie replied.

“I guess that responsibility will lay on my shoulders as I sorta put this team together? Hey Ferris can you take the rest of the Wind Sepith and take it to the Engineering Club. It should be open…”

Faustus wipes the blood off of his gladius. “Let’s hit it then.” He walks out of the Auditorium, heading outside and to the Gymnasium.

All of them get out of the old School Building.
Though, you saw more monster corpses in the building than you killed as you walked out of the school building.

“How’d it go?”
Sara was waiting outside of the building. She was smiling from side to side, happy for some reason.

“well I feel like it would have been easier if you just did it but it is done”

“I’d say it went alright. I could’ve done better but still did good.”

“Well… there was a sticky situation… but we turned out fine.” Ferris replies, keeping away her bow.

“Yup.” Fie remarks, agreeing with all of the above.

“I say you did really well. I’ll report this to the principal, don’t worry. I have all the juicy details.”

“You were following us?” Fie remarked, eyebrows raised, her face showing a new expression, suspicion.

“Nooo?” Sara stands up, before skipping towards the main school grounds.
The Old School Building has been locked.

“I guess she wanted to see how we’d handle it. I’m heading to the engineering club to drop off the sepith, Ferris you did grab the rest of the wind sepith right?”

“Yup. But I’m not going to bring them to the club. I’m bringing them to the dorm. Its not evening yet.” Ferris replies. “I’ll see you.”

“Well, cya.”
Fie plops herself into the fluffy grass outside of the old school building, revelling in the sun, face down.
“Faustus, how about you?” Ferris asks.

“Yea, might head back to the dorm as well to eat.” matija begins to walk off

“I’m just gonna head to the fencing club then eat maybe after an hour or 2. Or 3, we’ll see.”

Matija makes their way to the dorm and walks in

The fencing club room is empty, save for Linde and a longer haired Linde. Wait… what?

They were sitting by the corner talking to one another.

“Uhh, ok that blood must’ve had some toxic elements in it, cause I’m seeing doubles.”

matija begins to walk towards the engineering club. checking to see if anybodys in

“Umm… Hi Faustus.” Linde greets, in her usual demeanour.
“Hello… Faustus.” The longer haired girl replied, in the exact same behaviour…
“Vivi…!” The first girl exclaims, gently…