Academy {Main Thread}

“Wait, for what?”

Matija fires two more shots and checks if they have any bullets left

“That was a close one. Thanks Fie.” Faustus moves out of her arms, and tries to locate a sturdy point to hang off of the beast’s body.

Majita checks for bullets. Wait… he never had bullets in the first place… how was he firing all those bullets?

“Let’s go.”
Faustus circles around the beast carefully… while Fie took aim. “Initiating Barrage.”

The beast was free of the interloper on its body, and celebrating its newfound freedom, it strikes at Fie, causing another tremor. Of course, it misses, but the shockwave does make it hard for her to take aim, and she struggled to stay on her feet.

“Turn to flames, BURN!” Ferris fires a flaming arrow at the beast. It howls in pain.

Filthy Abomination 47% HP

Fie: 87% HP 50% MP
Ferris: 84% HP 94% MP
Faustus 87% HP 100% MP
Majita 100% HP 90% MP
Entire Party Speed Up (uhoh)

Matija fires rapidly at FA’s head

Faustus lunges for the beast, and slices at it’s left kneecap, hoping for it to kneel down in pain.

Fie stumbles… and sees Faustus running towards the beast. She nods and zips towards the other knee. She kicks at the right knee cap, leaning forward as she jumps away and slashes at the back of the knee.

Faustus then strikes the other knee, and the beast buckles downwards. But the beast had raised its arms upwards in the air, ready to strike downwards onto the ground.

“Just a little more!”
Ferris shot two more arrows… One at the head and one at the torso. Both hit, but the beast was already raging in pain, so it wasn’t clear if the beast received damage. But Majita fires two rounds at the beast’s head…

Filthy Abomination 27% HP STR UP, SPD UP

Fie: 87% HP 50% MP
Ferris: 84% HP 94% MP
Faustus 87% HP 100% MP
Majita 100% HP 90% MP

The beast suddenly beats its chest like an ape, raging.

“aye aye aye” Matija quickly casts Chrono Break to slow it down

Faustus jumps back, quickly scanning the creature for spots to attack. He then gazes at it’s exposed throat, and mutters in a reassuringly way “I mean there’s no other ideas that come to mind, so…” He then (attempt) uses the downed legs to give him a boost to jump and grab onto the beats’s chest, where he would climb until he reaches the throat, and proceed to slit/stab it.

“This is troublesome.”
Fie jumps upwards, as the beast swung its arms down.

Oof, this was more than a tremor. A violent shockwave shook the ground, unsettling Ferris, Majita and Faustus. The beast gets up, and smacks both arms down onto Faustus… but…

“No you don’t!”
Fie took the liberty of deflecting the attack. Two arms were met with two blades, and she blew away the attack… with difficulty. The fists landed right next to Faustus, and he could feel the force from both fists.
“Nngh!” Fie grit her teeth under the pressure of the attack. She shot at the ground, causing smoke to appear by the beast, giving her cover.

And everyone had gotten up by then…

Filthy Abomination 26% HP STR SPD UP

Fie: 31% HP 50% MP
Ferris: 84% HP 94% MP
Faustus 87% HP 100% MP
Majita 100% HP 90% MP

Matija attempts to fire a chrono break at it

Faustus gets up, muttering “That didn’t go as planned, now what?” He sighs, before charging the beast, now attempting to break its nico nico kneecaps with his pommel.

The beast roars, and strikes once more. Faustus avoids the attack by charging at it, but the shockwave trips him over his feet…

Chrono Break activates. It slows the beast down… at least to a manageable extent.

“Tch!” Fie took out her ARCUS and presses the Master Quartz, a black aura enveloping her. She disappears.
“Distract it a little.” You hear her voice.

“On it!” Ferris takes a potshot at the beast, hitting it in its ankle. She then starts casting an arte.

Filthy Abomination 26% HP STR UP

Fie: 25% HP 0% MP SPD UP STLTH
Ferris: 84% HP 94% MP
Faustus 73% HP 100% MP
Majita 100% HP 80% MP

Matija continues casting Chrono Break on it to keep it under control “Can’t do much, you guys need to keep it busy while I keep it slowed!”

“That I can successfully do!”
Faustus stands back up and charges at it again, trying to slash at it’s kneecap so it’ll fall down again.

Majita casts another Chrono Break… just that this time… it had no effect.

Faustus slashes at the beast, and this time, blood came gushing out of the beast. It must have been weakened and have had its mana protection disabled.

The beast aims for Faustus, its srms swinging at it from the side. Ferris is still casting.

“Majita! Fire!” Fie’s voice echoes in the room.

Filthy Abomination 18% HP STR UP

Ferris: 84% HP 94% MP
Faustus 87% HP 100% MP
Majita 100% HP 70% MP

“On it!” Matija quickly fires as quick as they can for the FA’s chest

Faustus tries jumping over the hand, and then starts jabbing fast at the open wound.

Faustus jumps over the beast’s arm…


As if by coincidence, all four began their attacks at the exact same time.

Two bullets plunged into the beast’s arms, which the beast spread open for Faustus to slash… at the knee.

And at the exact same time, a gush of water came from the rearlines, and blood came out of its neck, spurting in a cross shape.

It topples downwards. Big dead. And the body disperses, any trace of it being there being wiped off the face of the Earth. Albeit… there was a huge chunk of Wind Sepith.

“Heh, Sara. What were you talking about? These kids are absolutely capable. I’m in for a treat.”

Defeated the abominable monstrosity. +2 CP

Without Casualties +2 CP

Without outside help +2 CP.

Matija quickly synthesizes as many quartz as possible out of the wind sepith