Academy {Main Thread}

“I suppose you are just a child… however, you must understand that switching things in any job, even as a prank is strictly frowned upon in society. I only hope that you won’t do such things in the future, Master Hunter.”

“A prank? I didn’t do this as a prank.”

She takes up a hairpin.
“Then, what did you do it for?”

“So people could know each other better!”

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“That’s why I didn’t look at any of the diaries I took, zero.”

“You must understand that the act of taking another’s items from their rightful place is wrong. They won’t know each other better. They would be more angry at you as a whole. Would you like the whole class treating you like Ferris would? Even if you did not read the diaries, the very act of taking their items will make them lose their trust in you.”

Hunter bit his lip.
“Well, what else am I suppose to do?”

“Let things go naturally. After all, the field trips are designed to bring all of you together as a whole.”

She smiles.

“Have trust in the instructors. I know Sara may not look like she’s dependable… but she is looking out for all of you.”

“I have the most enclosed people in my group. Elise who just basically cuts her off, Ferris where…You know…James is a good person but he’s the most secretive…”

“You could go and speak to Elise. She has been mulling over the field trip by herself.”

“That isn’t going to help with me with the other two.”

“Things will work out naturally. Don’t rush.”

Matija heads down with the sepith and starts to walk out the dorm, whistling a happy tune

“I don’t believe that.”

“Do dodduty da” Matija stop whistling and moves to humming

“Have trust. After all, we have some tasks for you in the field study that you will not be able to complete without being as a group.”

Matija has left the dorm humming his tune and walks over to the engineer building

“If there are tasks we can’t complete as a group, then those tasks will not be complete!”
“This class feels like it was personally picked, to make sure there were distaste and conflict.”

She pats the young boy’s head.
“You’ll see. Every class has its personal conflicts. Yours is no exception. You just don’t see it yet.”

“See what?..I don’t…”