Academy {Main Thread}

“You’ll get there.”

Hunter grunts in frustration, then goes upstairs, going into his room and locking the door.

Linde grabs on and is pulled up by Faustus.
“Thank you.”

She sighs.
“Umm… is your class doing well? I hope they are.”

“Some are having a couple conflicts that I don’t fully understand. But other then that, I think we’re fine. Why do you ask?”

“Yours too…? I guess its prevalent in all classes…” She sighs.

“People will get mad at each other for the anything. In my experience, it’s almost like they want to have conflict in their lives.”

Matija attempts to enter the engineering club

Locked. Out jobbing.
You see two other students with white jackets by the beaten path, yelling at each other.

Matija sighs and approaches the two people to try to mediate the potential arguement.

Magnus enters his room and sits down.
ready to fast-travel to field trip.

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Me too.


Magnus exits his room, locking it behind him. “i’m trusting nothing,” he says. He knocks on Terry’s door again. “I need to talk to you about something.”

“I hope yours resolves soon. From what I know, Class I and II had a huge fight with one another. I was going to ask about it, but the second years just shrugged everything off and refused to say anything about it.”
Linde explains.

“Yep. Them nobles have it far worse than our squabbles.” Vivi adds on.
“Though it would be nice if the powerhouses in our class got along, but they have their own egos and decide to be a walking time bomb!”

“Vivi! Don’t speak ill of Beatrice and Jack… I’m sorry, we’ll be heading out now.”

Magnus shrugged and went into his room for a nap.

“That just seems like nobles being nobles, nothing much out of the ordinary. Anyway, I’ll head out as well, need to get something to eat. See you Linde.” Faustus walks to the exit of the gymnasium, then heads toward the dorms.

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After seeing Linde and Vivi off, you head towards the exit of the school as well. There seems to be an event happening at the Fields. Two blue jacket students engaged in a brawl.

Isn’t it strange, none of the second years seem to be helping.

Matija approaches the two people on the path

They were two nobles, sporting white jackets. One male, one female.

“That’s not going to defeat those blasphemic people! You fool! What’s worth working with others? Nobles should stand on their own two feet.”
“No, you aren’t seeing the point! We have to band together! Only t-”
“Shut up, Loa. You’re nice and all, but those people in our class are simply trash. I won’t work with them. End of Story.”

The male leaves the female behind, and he notes Majita.
“Excuse me.”

The girl seems like she’s about to cry. She stoops down by the beaten path and buries her face.

Matija approaches the lady “Hey, if you don’t mind me asking, what was that about?”

Faustus walks next to Matija’s side, wondering the same thing.

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