Academy {Main Thread}

“You ran here? Why?”

“I was very late…I took the stupid Eastern Highways here. Worst decision ever.”

“I was sidetracked too, I lost my bag halfway through my run and spent like 10 minutes finding it…”
Hunter sighs as he slowly slumps on his chair.

“Sounds fun. Made any friends yet?”

“I made an enemy.”

“Already? How?”

“I ran into someone on the way here…Gave her a bruise, dirtied up her books…She’s actually sitting on your left.”

“So, you accidentally ran into someone and they hate you now? Don’t know why they’re here if that causes enough anger.”

“First Impressions are very important. What if you accidentally bumped into the King and gave him a bruise?”

“But that’s different, he’s a king. This person you are talking about is with us.”

Magnus yawns, waiting for the opening ceremony to start.

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“If you need some space, I understand. When you need someone to talk to, I’m sure most people here will be friendly.”

“True…I just don’t want my first year to be a bad start…Even though it is already.”

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“Do you know him?” Jem asks the girl, staring pointedly at Hunter.

Hunter slowly hid his face with his leather jacket.

“Excuse me a second,” Jem says politely, before heading over to talk to Hunter. “Hello there,” he says kindly.

Magnus grabbed Jem’s sleeve. “Don’t give him a hard time,” he said quietly but sternly before letting him go.

“Alright,” he says back.

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Faustus turns to the unknown kid and asks “Hey, do I know you?”

Jem glances back at Magnus silently.