Academy {Main Thread}

The gauntlet boy takes one step forward, and his chin meets an upwards motion from the staff, an idiotic motion for sure.

“Gah!” The male falls backwards, stumbling onto the ground.

“This battle is over.” Elise declares. She takes her staff with one hand and plants it vertically on the ground to signify her victory.

“Elise is getting really strong. She helps me with my homework too.” Fie remarked… Grinning.

Well… the indignant person was grovelling in defeat… But that wasn’t Donggol.

“Well well. What can the black jackets do, not bad.” A haughty voice rang through. A white jacket blonde walks in, flicking his hair with his palm…

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And voila! The man himself appears! From behind the storeroom, walking in a defined fashion, stepping daintily downwards.
“You have defeated my underlings, but you will never defeat me.”

“…” Elise does ready her staff… but she is promptly blown back by a huge weapon: A Club. And though she was up before, she wasn’t up now. Her barrier health had not regenerated, and she was knocked out of the loop.

“And next! I’ll knock out the Trident Boy from your class! Ahahahaha!”

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“Wait what?” Magnus brought his Trident up.

“Ghk… Dirty tricks…”
Elise tries to get up, but her abdomen had no strength and she did unsuccessfully.

“Hah, I bet you lot don’t stand a chance, especially that little girl over there!” Donggo roars with laughter, clutching his head and rocking it like a madman.

Fie looks at the madman, not amused… Though its back to her usual poker face.

“Together?” Magnus says to Fie. She’ll know what he means.

Magnus takes a step forward and to the left, bringing Donggo’s attention away from Fie. “Hey idiot.”

James laughed loudly.

(James prayed to the Shurian god)

Fie nods.

“Hah! I shall befoul the trident bo- Huh? Who’s this?”
He turns around to see no one. Of course, it wasn’t Fie’s fault for being short, it was his fault for being too tall. A tap on the shoulder brought his attention away…

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Magnus whistled. “Hey boy!”
He stepped closer again.

He waited for the guy to look at him before swinging his trident, straight at his shoulder.

James went over to Elise. He cast the Arte Guardian on her, hoping it will get her back up.

“Smart thinking!” Magnus steps back after his swing, regardless of whether he sees an opening, and Icicle Shots between his eyes.

(James prays to @Shurian)

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“What the hel-”

And Magnus starts casting an arts.
“You dare!”
He swings the two-handed club at Magnus… But the Club misses wide to the left, it was deflected.
“What in fresh-”

“Slow.” Fie remarked from behind Donggol.

And Magnus fires an Icicle Shot at Donggol…
He stumbles backwards.
And he attempts to get the club off the ground… he’s a brute… for a noble.

(Did james’s Guardian work on Elise?)

Nope. It does not. Ferris would be very useful here with her arte, Thelas. Or Karen for that matter. You’ve seen her magic on Magnus before.

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“I’m sorry,” he says. Then he goes back up and casts Earth Shot Arte for the very first time.
(I checked the Artes sheet. I have this)

(Wait didn’t I get some new arts Shurian?)

“Tch… This is… nothing…”
Elise flips herself over onto her belly, and slowly attempts to push herself up.
But of course, she fails, but she was quite close to being able to get up onto her knees…