Academy {Main Thread}

“I was born in a shed, I don’t have honour.”

“C’mon now. Can’t keep me waiting, we ain’t got all day!”

Elise stands at the ready.
Decide amongst yourselves who will go first.

(Either Majita+Elise or James+Hunter)
@Ami @James @fireslol

“Elise you wanna get this done and over with?”

“I wanna go first.”

“I have the BEST plan.”

“Who would’ve thought”

Elise looks at Kai.
“I don’t mind waiting for a little. I’m interested to see Hunter’s plan.”
She takes up her staff and walks slightly further from the group. “I do have to ready myself as well.”

@fireslol @James
You’re up. If James is not here, Elise and Majita will start first in 10 minutes.

Matija follows Elise, while fiddling with his bayonet to make sure it is secure

Hunter was deep in thought about his plan.

It seems that Elise is ready. If you are ready, call out to her and step up into the field.

“Elise you wanna go fight while Hunter thinks up his plan?”

“Matija, you probably aren’t going to win a closed range battle with a gun. Just don’t let Sara get close.”

“Not planning on it.”

“Let us begin then.”
Elise walks up to the fields.
“I’m ready when you are.”

Faustus sits down and closes his eyes, resting his gladius on his lap. He’s doing nothing, so why waste energy?

Matija follows behind Elise “Lets get this on!”

“Good luck! You got this!”
Hunter continued brainstorming his plan.

“Yep. As always the first move.” The instructor smiled.

Though, where you saw Elise… She’s already rushing towards the instructor. She’s fast, alright, and she immediately swings her staff at Sara’s head.

Sara blocks the hit with her gun… It flies upwards… but Elise uses the rebound from the block to swing at her head from the other side.

Sara jumps upwards to catch the gun and blocks the cudgel…
She’s pretty exposed in the air… and Elise seems to have 1 more attack in her before she has to stop her combo. However, she’s fast. You can’t tell what she’s going to do, but she has both hands on her staff now.


Matija fires a shot for the instructor’s right knee and then charges in with her bayonet

“Come on Matija! I believe in you!”