Academy {Main Thread}

James swung his short-sword, a strange expression on his face.

Hunter awkwardly readied for pain.

“I am about to get absolutely shredded to pieces.”

“Let’s see how we handle fighting someone who incredibly outclasses us,” Jem said, stepping onto the field opposite Sara.

“To be fair, if Neptune can’t get shredded, then you can’t get shredded, 100% guaranteed.”

“Actually, I am unharmed,” Magnus pointed out.

“Exactly my point.”

“And at least I didn’t lose my weapon,” Magnus added.

“HEY, that was a tactical throw. And it nearly worked.” Faustus’ tone seems a bit riled. New way to annoy him?

“But it didn’t. You disarmed yourself,” Jem muttered.

“It disarmed me, sure, but I had Ferris to help out.”

“Honestly, I feel like all of us could fight Sara and lose,” Magnus admitted.

“All we need to do, is make a good distraction.”

“Did she ever say those on the sidelines can’t fight?” Magnus asks, a glean in his eyes.

“The Element of Surprise IS a fighter’s best weapon…And she didn’t SPECIFY…”

“So we hit her in the back,” Magnus finished.

“No, not back. Too normal, too predictable…”

“Isnt that dishonorable?”

“We already have a disadvantage”

“Since when did honor win wars?”