Academy {Main Thread}

“She does look young… but she does seem interested, and I never turn away interested people. Hey, how about you take a flower as well?”

She gives Hunter a flower. Courtesy of the Gardening Club.

“Here’s an application form.”

Hunter smiled and went to explore more.

“Oh…My…GOD HUNTER CAN YOU NOT MESS UP MORE JESUS CHRIST. Where’s James, I need his diplomantic opinion!”
Hunter thought as he tried casually walk into the main buliding.

You searched through the second floor… and found the art room. Though, you see Elise and Ferris chatting outside the Wind Orchestra room.

Hunter walked into the main buliding, searching for James.

Completing the application, Faustus stands up and walks over to Friedel, handing her the form and her pen. “Here you are.”

Hunter went up to the secertary.
“Excuse me, have you seen a first year named James Smith?”

“Oh, hand it over to the student council.” The pink haired lady said. “They process everything.”

Linde Farsch
Commoner - Year 1 Class V - Terrion

The two behind her are now brawling in another fencing match.

“My bad, I’ll head there. But here is your pen.”
Faustus hands Friedel’s pen to her, then walks out, going straight to the student council.

Since Terry hasn’t replied @shurian Magnus decided to try something else.
“I noticed you’re good with the sword,” Magnus tried. “Have you signed up for Fencing?”

James shrugged and headed over to meet the pair, willing to make friends.
“Wind orchestra?” He says as he joins them.

“Fencing, I am too good for the club. Instead, I shall go for the Riding Club, where it suits me best.” Terry speaks out, flicking his fringe away with a flick with his hand.

“Oh. Hi James.” Ferris notes James.
“Not quite. I have not yet seen a club that I feel that I will join yet.” Elise replies.
“Yeah… me neither. Though they all do look interesting…” Ferris adds.

Ferris seems to be brooding over the choices, while Elise stands by, remaining as her elegant self as ever. Several students behind, all first years all whispered around them, clearly noting Elise as a fine noble, yet not in a white uniform.

“Riding?” Magnus says, a note of surprise. “Riding what?”

“Befitting of a noble of course, the finest horses in Adiart. I hear that the steeds come from the southlands.” He continued.

(I know, but I’m rping)
“I’ve never seen a horse,” Magnus said. “We had no use for them on the waves. I rode several sea monsters, though.”

“Waves? You’re from the town of Tempor then?” He speaks, a look of surprise showing up on his face.

Hunter went up to the secretary.
“Have you seen a first year named James anywhere?”

“I was considering art club,” James said. “The subtlety of the brush, carving pictures onto a blank surface.”

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“I’m sorry, but I don’t know anyone with that name. Today’s the first day where I get to memorise the first-year faces after all…”
She sighs.

“Alright then…Think Hunter, what club would a diplomatic who doesn’t like fighting join?..”