Academy {Main Thread}

“Watch me bleed out because of this one small wound.”

Hunter is not bleeding. Though, he does feel a little more tired.

“Man, that sucks. Thought the first years could handle a small critter or two. Oh well.” Leon laughs.

“Those aren’t wolves per wolves. Those aren’t the kinds you’ll be putting in zoos. They’re vicious, and will find any way possible to bite off your head.”
The road stops shining.

Class Point -1.

Part 2

A roar can be heard off the road.
“Well, it came from that path where the wolf ran into.”

“Alright. Exercise Caution, everyone! We’re going in!”
Lifea and Leon runs into the off beaten path.

“Oh boy.”

“Should we follow them?”

“Why not?”

“Lead the way Hunter”

Hunter followed the two with caution.

Matija followed behind Hunter, with his rifle drawn

“Really wish we had Poseidon…”

“I can’t fucking stand him. It takes a lot of me when i’m bear him not to club him over the head”


“Does it seem like i’m joking” Matija’s face isn’t showing any sign of humor

“I think he means well…He just…He’s so similar to Terry, but he doesn’t realize it. Maybe that’s why he went with him.”

“True. Don’t get me started on Jem ugh.” Matija audibly groans

“Hey. He’s just conflicted, leave him be.”

“He is. Those two just get on my nerves.”

“And you don’t mind Terry?”

“I’ve been around his type for nearly my whole life. You get used to them eventually”

A roar brings you back to the situation.
A giant wolf is battling the 2 second-years at the end of the path. Lifea was casting an arte…

Way bigger than the previous wolf. The wolf seems to be bleeding as well. Blood covered it from the top…

“Man, this is way fun! Oh, maybe too much fun. But man, let’s go!”
He seems to be holding his own though.

The wolf howled and made a swipe at Leo, and started shaking itself. Before swiping at Leo again.
“Whoa whoa, easy there…”

Matija carefully aims for the wolf and fires a shot at it