Academy {Main Thread}

(If you mean of prepping to attack the creature then ok, going to wait for the others)

Faustus pulls out his gladius, ignoring the arts as of now. “Ready when you are.” He crouches a bit, as if he was going to pounce on the wolf.

Matija readies his bayonet for a charge “Didn’t expect to be possibly dying my first day here”

Current Participants:
??? - Head of the Beast - ???
Crow - Casting Fire Artes- Blast (M) - Legs
Lifea - Casting Thunder Artes - Strike (ST) - Legs
Elise - Melee Barrage - Head
Faustus - Melee - ???
Matija - Melee (Stab) - Claw
Hunter - Melee - Underbelly

Hunter tried ducking under the beast’s legs and stabbing it in the gut with the steel sword.

Elise leads the movement, with everyone behind her. The two second years proceed to cast their artes on the beast…

The magic imploded, a firecrackling display as the legs gave way. The beast roared as it went downwards.

@fireslol @Ami @Lightsin
Now. The beast is falling down on its knees.

Hunter started stabbing the beast like crazy, jabbing at it everywhere.

Matija takes her bayonet and rams it into the beast’s eye

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Faustus leaps over the beast and impales the wolf’s other eye with his gladius.

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“I’ll give you a boost!”
Elise grabs her staff and holds it horizontally, making a ground to boost the two on.
Without really thinking, you do the impossible, jumping up into the sky boosted by a staff, and aiming for both eyes. While the height seemed too high, Hunter went deeper in, even when it seemed seemingly bad; he would be quashed.

Elise then smashed the beast up into the air, not without help from the second years. Leon rushed to her side on the ground and busted the chin of the begangled wolf, while Lifea had another gust propelling the wolf upwards.

It was there the 3 made their final blows.
Hunter started slashing the exposed underbelly of the beast, while Majita and Faustus plinged their weapons into the eye of the beast.

The beast howled in pain, and it crashed onto the ground. Well, Hunter ducked under the beast’s legs, so he was unharmed.

You have earned 3 Class Points. (+1 for teamwork. +1 for not harming the ??? Person.)

Faustus and Majita see a white haired girl, with bloody red knives sitting on the head of the beast…
“Sup.” She casually greets them. Her whole body was full of the beast’s blood, but she didn’t seem to care.

“…Well that was a fun first day.”

“Hey, I recognize you.” Faustus looks at Elise, and then looks back at the white-haired girl.

(Gtg to school.)

“Yep. It’s me.” She casually replies.

Though, behind you all, is an angry Lifea.
“What were you doing up there? You could have been h- no! You could have died!”

“I was stabbing this monster’s back.”
You see a trail of knife wounds totalling across the beast’s back… One beautiful straight line, through the backbone and into the head.

“No, how were you holding on to that… thing? It was thrashing around.” Elise states.

“Not going to even question that…” Faustus sighs, shrugging and twirling his gladius thanks to adrenaline.

You were right. It was pointless to say that.

“I held onto the fur. That’s how I stayed on.”
Well, Elise, obviously?

“How old are you?” Elise remarks.
“What’s your name?”
“Fie Claussel.”

“I thought you had to be 16 or 17 to enter here…”

“I mean this is a tad bit out side of the school”

Even admidst all the blood, she did have a blue school jacket on.

“They do allow special exceptions from time to time.” The girl replies.
“I’m getting a new jacket anyway, so I’ll be alright.”


“Oh… interesting.” Faustus doesn’t really even know much to say at this point.