Academy {Main Thread}

The School Auditorium

The students gather at the center of the auditorium, with the chairs being arranged in rows of 10. There were blue jackets and white jackets everywhere, but yet there was only two people with black jackets like yourselves.

One of them was a blonde boy who was bragging loudly, staying all the way at the back of the seats. The other black jacket: the noble was seating at the second column, by the second seat from the left. She sat in a proper poise, as becoming of a noble she was.

Seat 13 was to the right of said lady, and seat 14 was two seats to the right.

Making up his mind, Jem sits next to Magnus at seat 14.

Magnus started to talk to the Noble lady. “Hello fair maiden,” he says.

Jem watches curiously, slightly jealous.

She opens her eyes, turning to face Magnus and Jem.

“Greetings. How may I help you?” She says, with a slight smile on her face. Her politeness, with her dignity, she treats people with respect. That, was uncommon amongst nobles.

There was a seemingly polished sense of elegance emanating from the lady.

“I would like to introduce myself,” Magnus says, also in a dignified tone. “I’m Magnus Eldoris, and this is my… associate, James Smith.”
He waved his hand in the general direction of James.

Jem felt himself blushing and looked away.

Associate? That was a strange title. But nonetheless, they had introduced themselves…
“Then I would be inclined to introduce myself as well.” She does a little head bow.
“My name is Elise Borealia. It is my pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

Elise Borealia

Noble - Class VI - Heiress to the House of Borealia.

“Seeing as we are wearing the same jackets, it would be alright to assume that we would be of the same class?”
She speaks.

“It is quite probable.”

“Indeed, I would like to do you the honour of being your friend, but if you wish not to that is your decision.”

“hey James? Can you do me the courtesy finding out when school starts?”


“Stubborn, hey? Elise, may I get to know more about you?”

Jem glanced at the front.

She chuckled at the mere sentence.
She looked at the two, clearly amused.
“There is no need to be so formal. I may be of noble blood, but I am very much a person as well. Treat me as you would with your friends. I reside in the town of Fallair, a humble village. There really isn’t much about me to know of.”

She turns to the front. “The second-year students here are very friendly. I have heard the teachers are highly capable as well. The principal, Vandyke Ferlias, particularly was one fine general decorated with medals. I look forward to seeing him in person.”

(@Mercenary @Ami Please Discord me when you’re up. Gonna continue the RP in the store.)

“My family taught me to have manners,” Magnus said. “And, Ferlies is… well he’s famous.

“There was a second year I met. Gavin something. He was fishing.”

(I was about to leave the store tbh)

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To all students that have not reported. Refer to this post.