Academy {Main Thread}

Karen is standing by the battle.
“Master Majita? What do you need?”

“Hello Karen. We need to catch up later.” Matija is trying to keep their emotions in check and smiles

Her eyes widen as she looks at Magnus… and chooses not to answer the question. She runs to Elise and Terry and snuggles right into Elise’s chest, getting a good view of the battle.

What a quick little devil…

“Fie? What’s wrong?” Elise asks.
“Let her be. She can talk when she wants to.” Terry remarks.

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“Alright, holler when you’re ready.”

He pulls out his gladius and tries to anticipate the bot’s attacks so he can parry them.

“You sure have a bunch of talented students.”

Faustus started struggling with the bots, parrying each and every strike from the bots with increasing difficulty. It has been a minute and 30 seconds since Ferris started casting her arte.

“Now!” A firework blasted in the sky. Ferris is ready.

Ferris 100% HP, 12% MP (ATS UP)
Faustus 93% HP, 100% MP (DEF UP, SPD UP)

Bot 1: 97% HP
Bot 2: 94% HP

Faustus sprints away from the bots, not in the mood of being cannon fodder today. “Out of the blast zone, fire at will!”

“Lets go!”
The bots are dazzled by the fireworks.

A water stream forms in front of Ferris, widening as it spins around. It bursts forth, creating a whole stream of water that floods the bots. The first bot is immediately disabled, and the second takes heavy, heavy damage. The water passes and seeps into the ground.

And the second bot moves… slowly towards Faustus.

Ferris 100% HP, 5% MP
Faustus 94% HP, 100% MP

Bot 2: 3% HP (SPD DOWN)

This is where the fun begins
Faustus charges the bot, attempting to feint an attack to jump back and throw his gladius at it, getting the finishing kill.

Sure enough, Faustus ducks the bot’s slow moving arm, and flings the gladius, granting the disability onto the bot.

Ferris tucks away her bow.
“We’re done!”

“Shutting down…”

Sara isn’t as vocal as before, but she nods in approval.
“That’s what I love to see. Amazing time under 2 minutes! It’s a shame that you didn’t manage to beat last year’s top scorers, but that doesn’t matter! Ahaha!”

(Hidden) Cleared Under 2 Minutes. +2 CP

(Hidden) Clear Under 1 minute 40 Seconds. +0 CP (Failed)

Time: 1:49.12

”That’s everyone correct?”

“Should be.” Faustus goes to pick up his gladius, before heading to where Ferris is.

“How long did we take?” Ferris asks.

“I’m sure it was below 2 minutes.” Fie remarks, holding Elise’s hands to hug her tight.
“That teamwork and plan was absolutely spectacular. But where was that arte from?” Elise asks, seemingly not bothered by Fie in the slightest.

“Are we dismissed Sara?”

“Not quite. I have things to announce. But yes, after this, you get the day off!” She beams.
“A minute and 49 seconds. Next off, is the forementioned field studies that each of you will be undertaking every month.”

“Go on.” Faustus looks confused, but doesn’t verbally express it.


“All of you will be working in 2 separate teams. 2 separate locations. To expose our students to the real world, and expand their horizons, learning to look from different perspectives, you’ll be conducting a field research in those respective places.”

“Now, Karen, would you mind announcing the groups?”
“Yes, please.”

Group A (Tempor)


Group B (Fallair)


“… Are you kidding me?” Ferris exclaims. “I’m partnered up with that idiot!?”
The first thing that was said. The girl frantically points at Hunter, with an exasperation in her eyes.

Terry rolled his eyes, clearly expecting conflict in his group.
“This could get troublesome,” Fie remarked, looking up at Elise.

“Oh. Come. On!!!”
Hunter thought.
“Question, who made these groups?”

“Oh, by yours truly.”
Sara grins.

“I’ve been watching you as my students after all. And I have decided that these were the best groups to go for the first month.”
“Aren’t I a genius?” Sara proudly puffed her chest out, grinning.

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“She must be doing this on purpose, she set us up with the people that we don’t get along with. Ferris with me. Magnus with Matija. Sneaky Bastard.”
“Great. Good groups.”

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