Academy {Main Thread}

“Couldn’t agree more hunter”

“At least I don’t have Terry.”

“T-this is so obvious!!!” Ferris grumbled.

"Oh. Today’s a Thursday. Your field trip is on Saturday. Take tomorrow to prepare for the trip. You’ll need it. Class dismissed :heart: "

Matija swiftly departs and heads off

Terry sighed, before walking off towards the stables.
He isn’t pleased about the groupings, but he cannot change it, especially with the flippant teacher.

“At least I still have the wind orchestra to look forward to.”

Ferris walks towards Hunter, eyes brimming with hostility, her hands balled into fists. “You better not mess this up for us!” She exclaimed.

She storms off in a huff… but turns back.
“I’m supposed to be in the fields! Shoo!”
She pushes Hunter out of the fields.

Matija heads for the Western Highway, hoping to get some peace and quiet

The three members that you know are
Rinea Telias (Captain, Female Commoner Pianist)
Rick S’Leonardo (Male Noble Guitarist)
Gaius Tennor (Male Commoner Guitarist)

Along with a first year, Vivi Farsch.

“Man…I just can’t get a break with her.”
Hunter headed to the main buliding, then took the stairs up to the Wind Orchestra room.

You only see one person, the Captain, wiping the piano in the room. The storeroom is open as well.

“Oh? Hunter. What brings you here?” Rinea asks.

“Oh hey Rinea, where’s everyone else?”

“Don’t tell me I’m early again…”

Matija, satisfied with his peace and quiet heads to the engineering club room

“Don’t worry, Instructor Sara’s classes always end early. It’s part of who she is. Have you attempted the Time Attack challenge yet? It should have already ended.”
She starts tuning the piano.

“Oh yeah…Probably Lowest time in the entire school. Which is saying a lot since James was awesome.”

“That sucks. That means no one beat my time?” She sighs.
This is the first time she’s not talking about music.

“There was an average of 3 minutes in my year, so don’t feel bad. Here, I’ll play a tune on the piano.” She offers, still tuning the piano.

“You are really really good with that thing. I still don’t know how you do it.”

“Practice. Plenty of Practice will do everyone good. This is how we managed to claim second place in the Orchestra Mashei last year. Music is wonderful, clearing away all doubts with just a melody.”

The silver trophy was placed in the middle of the room, a symbol of pride for the Wind Orchestra.

“I believe with hard work, anything is possible.”
She sits down on the piano and puts her fingers on the keys.

A magical tune plays in the room, soothing anybody’s nerves as the notes breathe life into the room.

“…This can’t be just Practice. You have to have some sort of talent.”