Academy {Main Thread}

Faustus twirls out his gladius, heading down the path as well.

Magnus peeked inside the bag.

Ferris walks down the path, not bringing out her weapon.

And down the path, you come to see a dilapidated building, devoid of colour, standing in the middle of an open area. And by the open area, you see Fie napping by in the middle of the field. She seems pretty satisfied with the place, considering her sprawled out in the field like a star, with her little content smile on her face.

The doors to the building were there. Closed.

“Assume this is it” Matija quickly casts Chrono Drive
“Lets get in here shall we?”

“Hey, Fie’s here! Do we wake her…?”

“Meh, she can nap all she wants”

“Guess we gotta kick it open?”

“Ferris would you like to do the honors?”

“I don’t know…”
Ferris walks towards the door, till she’s in front of the door.

“I guess…”
The door opens, without Ferris laying a hand on it.
“Huh?!” Ferris jumps back, clearly surprised.

“Well if that isn’t spooky I don’t know what is” Matija enters, rifle at the ready

James casts the arte Guardian on himself and Magnus to give themselves defence, and by extension endurance.

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You both do get endurance…
And Magnus sees tons of different spices, filled up in bags of one kilogram each, together with different bags of vegetables and 3 bags of rice.

And both of you get to the dormitories.
“Thank you boys.”
Karen brings the groceries into the kitchen. She takes another detour for the two bags.
“That was a great help.” She smiles.

Faustus raises his gladius in a defensive position, ready for whatever opened the door to spring out and attack them. “This is where the fun begins.”

“Already forget his request?” Matija chuckles

“You do this every day?

“We’re… supposed to go in… right? It’s spooky…” Ferris mumbles, slowly backing away from the door.

“In I go.” A voice speaks from behind the three of you.
And a Fie zips into the building.


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“Well then let’s follow her” Nariha starts exploring the building

Faustus is nearly speechless. “Ohhkay then. Shall we?” He walks inside, still maintaining a defensive position.

“Groceries every week. It’s normal, really.” Karen replies.
She gets the remaining two bags.
“Please sit in the dining room while I bake up a treat for you.”

“F-Fie! Wait up!”
Ferris too follows Majita