Academy {Main Thread}

“Oooooh Bread!”

“Oh, by the way, don’t get too excited, that speed down won’t last forever.” Fie remarked.

The abomination’s hand is near the ground… Faustus gets up onto the yeti and strikes at the head, with Majita striking at the head too.

And just as suddenly, the monster sped up, swinging around.

“Amazing timing on that one”
Faustus now attempts to hold on the creature’s back, knowing it’s going to try and stand up, pitting gravity against him.

Matija once again casts Chrono Break on it

The beast indeed stands up, and proceeds to attempt a grab at Faustus.

“Majita, I wouldn’t try that.” Fie moves into range of the beast. What did she mean?
“Target acquired. Suppressing.” She sends a barrage of full auto bullets into the beast.

“Faustus, be careful!” Ferris sends another arrow into the beast.

Filthy Abomination 76%

Fie: 93% HP 50% MP
Ferris: 100% HP 99% MP
Faustus 100% HP MP
Majita 100% HP 90% MP
Entire Party Speed Up

Matija just decides to chrono axe it’s knee

“Don’t worry about me, continue attacking it!”
Holding onto the beast with both hands, he detaches a hand to jab at the it more.

Majita begins casting.

Faustus detaches his hand, but the flinging abomination twisting its body makes it hard for Faustus to land an attack. The abomination grabs at its neck unsuccessfully, wow…

“No you don’t! Pierce them!” Ferris aims at the eyes, but the beast swinging around… makes her miss. By a wide margin.

Fie had moved towards the legs and sliced them.
The beast began stomping on the ground, causing a mini quake.
Ferris stumbles from the shocks. The other two hold steady. “Whoa!”

Filthy Abomination 68% HP

Fie: 93% HP 50% MP
Ferris: 84% HP 99% MP Stunned
Faustus 100% HP MP
Majita 100% HP 90% MP
Entire Party Speed Up

“Cmon cmon cmonnn” Matija continues casting

“I mean, I’m kind of stuck now, so only one solution.” Faustus mutters. He continues to relentlessly attack the beast, even though he’s having a hard time hanging on.

“wait. That seems strange.”

Magnus took a bite of his snack. It was delicious. “Why are you —” he swallowed —“even at the dorms this early?”

Another axe flies towards the beast’s knee. It howls with rage.

Faustus stabs the beast, and it growls and scampers at its neck. Faustus couldnt hold on anymore, and he drops down, to be caught by Fie.
“The princess is here to save the day.” She says with an expressionless face.

“Urgh…” Ferris stands up, shaking her head from the giddiness.

Filthy Abomination 58% HP

Fie: 93% HP 50% MP
Ferris: 84% HP 99% MP
Faustus 87% HP 100% MP
Majita 100% HP 90% MP
Entire Party Speed Up …

“Elise, this is important; what exactly was Hunter doing when you arrived?”

“Whatever.” Magnus enters his room and finishes his treat. He grabs his keys and locks the door. He grabs the diary and was about to set pen to paper when he pauses.

James heads upstairs after finishing his treat. He merely raises an eyebrow at the silent standoff. He heads into his room and reaches under the side of his bed.
“What the—?”
His diary was missing.

Magnus steps out of his room. He’s furious. “Someone’s been in our dormitory, switching our diaries.” He waves James’s diary. “Elise, Check your room, see if your diary is missing.”
Magnus knocked on Terry’s door. “We’re the only ones here, i believe, so it stands to reason it was either one of us or someone out of our class.”
“Terry! Come out here!”

James left his room after Magnus said all this. “My diary is gone,” he says.

Magnus tossed James’s diary over. “Did you move my diary?” He asks.

James hesitates.