Academy {Main Thread}

“No,” he says. “I didn’t move it.”
Not a lie, but not the whole truth.

Magnus was too distracted to notice this. He locked his door from the outside. “All of you, keep your doors locked,” he warns. “We have a Traitor in our midst.”

“Wait what?” Jem reentered his room, grabbed his key and locked his door from the outside. “Now what?”

Terry does not respond. The door is locked.

“This is a case that needs solving.”

“Alright. Hunter, you were up here getting something for Matija, correct?”

“Yesss…Why do you need to know?”

“And he didn’t give you his keys?”

“I just need to confirm this because if you had his keys you would’ve unlocked the door.”

“He said he was going on some sort of quest with Ferris. Ask her.”
“Well, that part is true.”

“When he went up to ask Ferris, he forgot to give me his keys, I stayed behind because…Well…”

“So what were you getting from his room?”
Magnus watches Hunter for any reactions.

“His diary.”

“Not a lie.”

“His diary?” That’s interesting.
“Did you take diaries from anyone else?”

“Um…Why would I take someone else’s diary?”

“I don’t know. Why are you stealing diaries and moving them around?”
I have no proof he did it.

But I have no proof he didn’t do it.

Magnus reached forward and grabbed Hunter’s forearm. “Come on, suspect.”

“Uh… Hold on. We can wait until Ferris and Majita come back.”
Elise declares.
She also seemed to have realised something was amiss.